Certified to handle organic products in accordance with National Organic Standards. Organic handlers perform numerous functions, including packing and shipping, manufacturing and processing, and brokering, wholesaling, or distributing.
Produce can be called organic if it’s certified to have grown on soil that had no prohibited substances applied for three years prior to harvest. Prohibited substances include most synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
In order to ensure a standard for the use of the term “organic” and the use of the “USDA Organic” seal, the USDA has issued Labeling Protocols for fresh and processed products containing organic ingredients. Only the top two listings may use the USDA Organic seal on the product.
“100% Organic” must consist of 100% organically produced ingredients and processing aids, excluding water and salt; may display the USDA Organic seal.
To maintain organic certification, every certified organic farm or facility must go through a review and inspection process every year. They must keep good records (a good idea anyway) and have those records available for inspectors.
Products sold, labeled, or represented as organic must have at least 95 percent certified organic content. Products sold, labeled, or represented as “made with” organic must. have at least 70 percent certified organic content. The USDA organic seal may not be used on these products.
As a brand with an extensive product range and varieties ECS has micromanaged the whole process of every single product which has been produced under the banner of the company in order to get the competitive edge among its competitors. Strong customer focus, standardization of ingredients, smooth process flow, hygienic approach of product preparation, quality check in every phase of product cycle and regular feedback from customers after sale of products are the main cornerstone of achieving the certifications of Organic Processing and Organic Handling.
Once you get your product approved, as an organic certified product, you are permitted to use the USDA Organic logo that you can put on your product labels. With increased demands for organic foods by consumers and retailers these days it allows you to capitalize on this organic growth movement. Having your organic food certified allows you to get your product exposure to a new set of locations and customers that are not too familiar with your brand.
Being confident allows you to take control of a situation and brings along a culture of follow-through. It will help you build and maintain a better relationship with your customer because they will have more trust in you. Often, there is a fine line between confidence and cockiness or arrogance.
Products sold, labeled, or represented as organic must have at least 95 percent certified organic content. Products sold, labeled, or represented as “made with” organic must have at least 70 percent certified organic content. The USDA organic seal may not be used on these products.
ECS Brands combines scientifically driven formulations with advanced product development techniques to create lifestyle based, whole-spectrum, hemp & custom cannabinoid liquids and powders that promote and enhance healthy lifestyles. With it’s team of experts and formulation specialists, ECS Brands is a hemp product manufacturer that only develops products that have been tested and provide the most beneficial delivery mechanisms.
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