Broomfield suite of turnkey manufacturing and supply chain solutions recognized for manufacturing integrity, innovation and excellence during prestigious annual awards ceremony
BROOMFIELD, Colo. (April 8, 2022) — Manufacturing innovation and standards are vital in the still-nascent but burgeoning hemp and cannabis industries, as brands research the plants and develop novel applications for everything from building materials to beverages to supplements. So it is with immense pride that ECS Brands announces that the prestigious Colorado Manufacturing Awards has named ECS Brands the Cannabis Manufacturer of the Year.
“ECS Brands joins a stellar list of CMA Cannabis Manufacturer of Year winners, companies leading the industry into a new era of safety and quality,” said Bart Taylor, CompanyWeek founder and Colorado Manufacturing Awards co-presenter. “We hope the company’s commitment to professional, certified operations becomes a model for the industry.”
The 7th annual Colorado Manufacturing Awards represent the only manufacturing recognition program that spotlights production and operational distinction across multiple manufacturing industries. The awards are sponsored by CompanyWeek, a network of media, supply chain tools and data sources that focus on the manufacturing economy across the American West. Winners were announced on April 7 during the organization’s annual awards banquet.
“Manufacturing innovation and rigor are two of the foundations upon which ECS Brands is built. Both have received substantial investments of capital, time and resources,” said ECS Brands Founder and CEO Arthur Jaffee. “Our industry experiences no shortage of good ideas. But turning those concepts into reliable, effective and industry-shaping products requires concentrated and intense effort and capital. We are thrilled that the Colorado Manufacturing Awards has recognized and championed our commitment to manufacturing excellence.”
Added ECS Brands Chief Science Officer Dr. Jason Hastings: “Integrity should be the backbone of all businesses developing wellness products for consumers. When people turn to supplements companies like ECS Brands for approaches to wellness management, they trust the products are safe and reliable. Our company is devoted to manufacturing precision, innovation, safety, efficacy and transparency. It is an honor to be recognized for our hard work and investment.”
For more information or to schedule an interview, please contact Ellie Malone at 262-337-3312 or ellie@themaverickpr.com.

About ECS Brands
ECS Brands® is a supplier of premium hemp ingredients grown and extracted in America and creator of innovative complete spectrum whole-hemp brands including Hemp Fuel®, Care by Derma®, ENLIGHTENhemp® and Scooba Snacks. ECS Brands is known for its dedication to transparency, and rigorous safety, quality and potency testing conducted in its certified cGMP, USDA Organic, verified non-GMO project, and FDA registered manufacturing facility. In addition to ECS Brands, the company’s other business segments include ECS Health, a clinical research partner and full-service product development platform, and ECS Wholesale. Follow ECS Brands on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram.